This report sets out findings from a survey of the young people and staff involved in the Our Future Now programme.
2024 marks the mid-point of Our Future Now and Inspiring Scotland wished to explore young people’s experiences of the fund and the difference it was making – to inform the next five years of the fund’s operation. The Our Future Now team worked with the 12 funded charities to gather survey responses from:
The responses were analysed by independent researchers at Research Scotland.
The young people involved in Our Future Now experience barriers to education, training and employment including low confidence, anxiety, mental health issues and challenges at school. These issues can be exacerbated by family and home life, poverty and wider health, wellbeing and safety. However, each individual brings their own skills, strengths and interests.
Young people felt that through Our Future Now they had boosted confidence, identified new options, built their understanding of work and built a positive routine. It also built self-confidence, social confidence and confidence in learning and work.
Jane joined Thrive Outdoors three months ago as Development Support Officer through the support of the Rank Foundation’s Time to Shine programme, which aims to support young people to become future leaders. In this piece , Jane reflects on the experience so far and what she is looking to focus on for the rest of
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