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Thank you for our first 10 years - Inspiring Scotland


The latest articles and ideas from Inspiring Scotland and our partners.


Thank you for our first 10 years

The 29th of January 2018 marks 10 years since Inspiring Scotland was founded. The story of our first 10 years is a story about people, a lot of people, the relationships we have built with one another, and the impact we have been able to create together.

We started with the ambition of tackling the long-term, entrenched social problems faced by Scotland’s communities. With the bold idea of developing venture philanthropy in Scotland, a small group of visionary investors committed to an ambitious long-term project. Our first aim was to help 35,000 disengaged and disadvantaged young people into education, training or employment over a decade.

Today, we run nine funds, we work with dedicated and talented staff at more than 200 charities across Scotland and can draw on the experience and expertise of more than 400 pro bono volunteers so that, together, we can help hundreds of thousands of people across Scotland build a better future for themselves and their communities. And this year, we are on track to support 35,000 young people into sustainable positive destinations.

None of this would have been possible without financial support from our funders, the hard work and dedication of the staff and volunteers at the charities we work with, our network of committed pro bono supporters, and the collective knowledge, compassion and belief you have all brought to bear as we strive, together, for a Scotland without poverty or disadvantage.

On behalf of Inspiring Scotland and the thousands of people whose lives have been transformed during our first 10 years, thank you.

Throughout this year, we will be telling the stories of what we have achieved together and we will be asking the people and organisations of Scotland to help us identify the most pressing social issues and work together on effective solutions, so that, together, we can achieve even more in our next 10 years.

I encourage you all to read the story of Rory and Callander Youth Project Trust to see one example of the positive impact we can make when we work together.


Celia Tennant, chief executive

Funding available for community groups to develop local ecosystem restoration projects

Funding available for community groups to develop local ecosystem restoration projects

The Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund launched today (Wednesday 22nd May 2023) to enable community-led project groups in Scotland to design and deliver local nature restoration projects. The aim of the Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund is to help communities develop their ideas for nature restoration into a pipeline of deliverable projects with a whole ecosystem approach. Funding will

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Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support fund open for applications

Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support fund open for applications

A fund to support survivors of childhood abuse is now open for applications from third sector organisations.   The new phase of the Scottish Government’s Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support (SOCAS) fund will invest in services supporting adults affected by childhood abuse, so they can enjoy a safe and healthy life, with improved wellbeing.  The purpose

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund open for applications

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund open for applications

A fund to support perinatal infant mental health and parents is open for applications from third sector organisations and services.   Following on from work the Scottish Government’s previous Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund, the new phase is open to third sector organisations who support babies, parents and carers affected by, or at risk, of

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