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Together, we are Inspiring Scotland - Inspiring Scotland


The latest articles and ideas from Inspiring Scotland and our partners.


Together, we are Inspiring Scotland

Our vision for Scotland is achievable, says Chief Executive Celia Tennant.

A Scotland without poverty or disadvantage – that is our vision. It is not going to be easy to achieve. But we know from experience when people, communities, charities and government all work together, remarkable things can be accomplished.

We want to tackle some of the long-term, entrenched social problems faced by Scotland’s people and communities. Problems such as poverty and longstanding deprivation have caused deep-rooted, self-perpetuating inequalities among our communities, leading to long-term unemployment, poor health, and diminished opportunities.

To be in with even a chance of solving these problems, we all need to work together across all sectors. And that’s what we aim to do. We build networks and foster greater collaboration between organisations and the people who work for them; we build long-term strategic partnerships between the voluntary, public, private and academic sectors, and increase long-term funding and help develop sustainability within the voluntary sector.

As we strive for a better Scotland, we are helping essential charities to become extraordinary charities, allowing them to better help those they support.

We are working with government, local authorities, academics, communities and local people to develop new ideas and shape effective public policies.

We evaluate, we learn and we share our knowledge. What we do works because we have the opportunity to work with incredible people and we test our work to rigorous standards.

We believe a better Scotland is possible; a Scotland without poverty; a Scotland without disadvantage; a Scotland with opportunity for everyone.

We have this belief because of the extraordinary commitment, compassion, skill, professionalism and drive of the people we work with. We have this belief because of the extraordinary things we have achieved together already. None of which would have been possible without the support of so many generous and warm-hearted supporters, investors, partners, friends and colleagues.

Our vision for Scotland is achievable. And as we look to the future, as we design new programmes and develop our current funds, we will continue to build partnerships and strengthen existing relationships, tapping into the knowledge and experience of Scotland’s people, communities and charity sector.

Celia Tennant, chief executive

Funding available for community groups to develop local ecosystem restoration projects

Funding available for community groups to develop local ecosystem restoration projects

The Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund launched today (Wednesday 22nd May 2023) to enable community-led project groups in Scotland to design and deliver local nature restoration projects. The aim of the Neighbourhood Ecosystem Fund is to help communities develop their ideas for nature restoration into a pipeline of deliverable projects with a whole ecosystem approach. Funding will

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Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support fund open for applications

Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support fund open for applications

A fund to support survivors of childhood abuse is now open for applications from third sector organisations.   The new phase of the Scottish Government’s Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support (SOCAS) fund will invest in services supporting adults affected by childhood abuse, so they can enjoy a safe and healthy life, with improved wellbeing.  The purpose

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund open for applications

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund open for applications

A fund to support perinatal infant mental health and parents is open for applications from third sector organisations and services.   Following on from work the Scottish Government’s previous Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund, the new phase is open to third sector organisations who support babies, parents and carers affected by, or at risk, of

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