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Support & Advice Consultancy services for charities and social enterprises

Our work with government

From trusts and foundations to statutory funders and individual donors. We are powered by the support of our funders who share our ambition for change.

We work efficiently and in partnership to solve problems and make investment go further. 

Since 2008 we have sought partnerships, believing problems are solved through collaboration. Through our venture philanthropy model, we purposefully bring together the third, public and private sectors to form strong partnerships to improve the lives of people across Scotland and create positive change. 

Working with the Scottish Government

We seek to partner with the Scottish Government to create the greatest change at scale for the people of Scotland.

The way we do this can include seeking funding to deliver programmes designed by Inspiring Scotland and by sharing our learning as a critical friend on the evidence of need, impact and insight into delivery.

We have built significant expertise in turning challenges into solutions that drive the changes that Scotland needs.

Fund management services

We have had an excellent track record in stewarding funding from a range of investors and supporting organisations to deliver optimally for the people they serve. We have built an efficient fund management and administration infrastructure which also captures learning and impact. When aligned to our mission strategic priorities and where we know our approach will add value to government funding for the voluntary sector, we have responded to competitive tender opportunities for Scottish Government contracts.

We currently have contracts to deliver fund management services for The Scottish Government on:
- CashBack for Communities
- Delivering Equally Safe & Equality and Human Rights Fund
- Support in the Right Direction
- Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support (SOCAS) Fund
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) Fund

As an independent charity and company limited by guarantee, our accounts are publicly available and include details of the income we receive to manage Scottish Government funding programmes.

Working with local government

We also partner with local authorities across Scotland. This can include securing funding to expand or enhance delivery of funds, on an advisory or consultancy basis, or through collaboration providing data, insight and learning.

Contact us

We work with experts from the voluntary, public, private and academic sectors. Get in touch if you want to help us build a better Scotland.

Contact us

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Inspiring Scotland will only use the personal details you provide here to respond to your enquiry and will not use them for any purpose, unless you give permission and agreed during any follow-up discussions.

Your details will be held on the server of our third party website provider host for 3 months but not for longer than is necessary, and will not be added to any marketing databases. By completing this form you are agreeing to the terms of Inspiring Scotland’s Privacy Statement

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