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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund - Inspiring Scotland

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health fund

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

Research has shown that the first 1,001 days of a baby’s life is a critical time for brain development. Did you know that in the first year, over 1 million connections are formed in the brain every second?

While the early years can be the most joyous time, they can also be some of the most challenging. Up to 20% of mums and 10% of dads can experience poor mental health in the perinatal period (which covers pregnancy and baby’s first year).

Inspiring Scotland manages the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government. The PIMH 2024-26 Fund aims to sustain and improve third sector, non-clinical support for babies, parents and carers affected, or at risk of, perinatal and infant mental health issues in Scotland.

This fund works with 16 organisations who provide crucial support services for parents, carers, infants and families who are experiencing mental health difficulties during the perinatal period, supporting them during this important stage of life through delivering peer support, parenting and infant support, and counselling and psychological support.

1 in 5

Up to 1 in 5 mothers experience mental health challenges

1 in 10

Up to 1 in 10 fathers experience mental health challenges

18 months

October 2024 - March 2026


Charities supported


Annual Report 2023/24

Annual Report 2023/24

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report for 2023-2024 provides an overview of the work we have undertaken to deliver on our strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. Last year we managed over £46m of funding as fund owner, delivery partner or fund manager for Scottish Government and private investors for social

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Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 22/23

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 22/23

Inspiring Scotland’s Annual Report 22/23 provides an overview of the work undertaken to deliver on  strategic priorities and mission to improve the lives of people across Scotland. In the period we supported over 700 organisations across 16 funding programmes worth over £50m. As well as new funding opportunities being created, nine of  programmes  provided vital

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund Update Report – September 2023

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund Update Report – September 2023

This update from our Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) fund follows the stories of families who have been supported by the partner charities. These stories highlight the kind, compassionate approach and life changing impact that the third sector has on families and babies, and shows how the work which is being delivered helps to

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Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

Supporting the sector with Good Governance  

If Elaine Crichton has a specialist topic, it would be diversifying Scotland’s Boards through recruitment and bespoke training of Trustees. It’s an area she is not just enthusiastic about but also well placed to offer guidance and training, having provided 46 organisations in-depth governance and board development support in the last year. She also walks

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A new philanthropic partnership funding good ideas.

A new philanthropic partnership funding good ideas.

Funding ideas to improve children’s health and wellbeing At the end of last year, we began working with a UK philanthropist who, having led a successful career in business, recognised the value in funding research and development. They wanted to fund the good ideas that need some investment to test but could ultimately be scaled

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Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund launches a national survey

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund launches a national survey

The survey aims to capture information on third sector organisations who are delivering Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) services in Scotland and will be used to inform future developments in the sector. We would like to hear from third sector organisations delivering PIMH support and organisations and agencies who refer families to third sector PIMH services.

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