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News - Inspiring Scotland


The latest stories from Inspiring Scotland and our partner charities.


Vulnerable young people offered chance of unique supportive relationship

Some of Scotland’s most vulnerable young people will be given the chance to build positive, supportive relationships with caring adults thanks to a new fund from Scottish Government and Inspiring Scotland. The intandem programme will support 13 Scottish charities to mentor children aged 8-14 who live at home and are subject, through the Children’s Hearing

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Inspiring heroes are everywhere

A local project that began with a spot of bicycle tinkering has changed lives and inspired a community, says Celia Tennant in The Scotsman Now the rush of finish lines crossed and the jubilation of medals won has subsided, a couple of stories from the Rio Olympics which did the rounds on social media have

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Wounds of recession still deepest for the poor

Hard times tend to hit the most in need the hardest, writes our Deputy Chief Executive Helen Chambers. To say these are uncertain times could be considered a significant understatement, but no-one would argue it is one of the few statements which can be currently made with any semblance of confidence. Unfortunately, another such statement

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1419 charity wins ‘Exceptional Employee’ Award 2016

Chris Martin of Inspiring Scotland’s 1419 Fund charity Callander Youth Project wins Exceptional Employee Award at this year’s Scottish Charity Awards. Judges deemed Chris’s dedication and innovation key in transforming Callander Youth Project Trust into the success it is today. The founder of one of the country’s most innovative social enterprises has spoken of his

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Young people are more than their mental health difficulties

Charis Robertson of Hot Chocolate Trust, an Inspiring Scotland 14:19 Fund portfolio charity is celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week by asking the Hot Chocolate Trust young people what their hopes for the future of mental health support across Scotland. I am no expert on how mental health issues affect young people. However, having worked with hundreds

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Chinese institute learns from Inspiring Scotland’s philanthropy approach

A Chinese charity group, backed by leading philanthropists including Bill Gates, visited Inspiring Scotland to learn about our approach to tackling social issues. Delegates from the China Philanthropy Global Institute (CPGI), a charity education group whose founding members include Microsoft founder Bill Gates, visited the offices of Inspiring Scotland on Tuesday 26 April to see

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