Part of Thrive Outdoors Make Time For Outdoor Play – a downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play during COVID-19.
In this week’s #TuesdayTips blog we explore the subject of Risky play. You might be wondering …what even is risky play and how can I safely practice risky play in an ELC setting? This blog will cover this and more also highlighting some of the main benefits of #OutdoorRiskyPlay.
Read MoreInspiring Scotland’s monthly intelligence report, providing an overview of key issues being reported by charities supported across its funds. Initially developed as an internal resource, these reports help to highlight issues as they emerge, predict what is needed in the months ahead, and explore how we can best respond collectively. We also believe this
Read MoreThe 14:19 Fund has an impressive track record from a standing start in January 2009, with almost 9,000 young people supported into positive destinations of employment, education or training to December 2012. Inspiring Scotland’s 14:19 Fund delivered yet another strong performance in 2012. It has achieved greater social impact year on year since its launch in
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