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14:19 Fund Baseline Report - Inspiring Scotland


14:19 Fund Baseline Report

This report, which was published in 2008, provided a starting point for Inspiring Scotland’s 14:19 Fund. It introduced the issues underlying the problem of young people who are neither learning nor working and suggests what the fund might hope to achieve.


Active Play Literature Review April 2016

This brief literature review by the University of Strathclyde PhD student Avril Johnstone provides the background literature to the evaluation of Inspiring Scotland’s Active Play Programme. The evaluation has the following research question: does the implementation of an active play programme improve physical activity levels and fundamental movement skills competency in children?

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Introduction to Charity Evaluation

Evaluation is a huge part of what we do at Inspiring Scotland. Evaluation sets out what difference you want to make and helps you to measure whether you are achieving your aims.

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Practitioners Guide Bite-sized tips: Grow your own mini pine tree

This week’s practitioner guide features bite-sized tips on growing your own mini pine tree – a great autumn activity to try out. Download to read our 5 tips on growing your own mini tree!   #TuesdayTips

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