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14:19 Fund Report 2014 - Inspiring Scotland


14:19 Fund Report 2014

The 14:19 Fund delivered another strong performance in 2014. 14:19 Fund ventures supported more young people than in previous years and more young people achieved a positive destination of employment, education or training. 74% of young people who completed venture programmes in 2014 successfully secured a positive destination.


Webinar 3-Outcomes and Activities for Delivering Equally Safe

This webinar looks at developing your outcomes for your application to Delivering Equally Safe. This is part of a series of webinars which will include advice on completing your application, developing partnership applications and your outcomes and activities. Transcript Slide 1: Welcome Welcome to this webinar where we will be looking at developing your outcomes

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Inspiring Scotland – What we do

We strive for a Scotland without poverty or disadvantage. Through our thematic funds, covering issues from youth employment to childhood health and wellbeing to community development, we work with and fund the organisations and people who can have the greatest impact. We want to make Scotland a better place and everyone at Inspiring Scotland, and

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Play Champions Toolkit

This Play Champion Toolkit is designed to support partners working with Primary schools to engage in more activity that is playful within their school day. It outlines a programme, which play workers can use to support primary school children to become ‘leaders’ of play. It is designed for play charities working with schools, school staff

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