Active Play: Physical Activity by Stealth. Download a summary of independent evaluations & research into Active Play.
Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play. The world’s oldest toy What can you build with twigs and sticks…
Read MorePart of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play.. Part 2 for parents! In this week’s guest blog we hear from Deidre a play therapist based in Ireland who shares the therapeutic benefits of play and some handy play tips and activities for parents.
Read MoreInspiring Scotland’s 14:19 Fund has an impressive track record from a standing start in January 2009, with over 20,000 disadvantaged young people across Scotland supported into positive destinations of employment, education or training to December 2015. 2015 saw 14:19 Fund ventures operating at scale and delivering significant growth in social impact, both in terms of
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