Download a guide to getting the best from Self-directed Support for young disabled people from the Glasgow Disability Alliance.
This webinar has been designed to support those who are applying to Delivering Equally Safe as a partnership. This webinar is part of a series designed to support you as you develop your application to the fund Transcript Slide 1: Welcome Hi and welcome to this webinar – where we will discuss applying to Delivering
Read MoreThe purpose of this paper is to provide a six monthly progress report from Inspiring Scotland on the impact of the Autism Innovation and Development Portfolio activity during the period 1st April 2016 to 30th September 2016. We have looked at what activities have been delivered and what impact this is having. It ties together
Read MoreTheĀ Delivering Equally SafeĀ (DES) team at Inspiring Scotland have released a new report on the impact of funded activity tackling gender-based violence (GBV) between April 2022-September 2022. During the six-month period 23,439 people affected by GBV received frontline support from funded organisations and 27,541 people engaged in awareness raising and education sessions. The report highlights key
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