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Insights: Young People Falling Through the Cracks - Inspiring Scotland


Insights: Young People Falling Through the Cracks

Falling Through the Cracks is the first in a series of Insight Reports developed by Inspiring Scotland which we hope will help  inform our collective response to the youth unemployment crisis that has resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Despite the positive response from Government to the Covid-19 youth unemployment crisis, some young people will fall through the cracks. These young people face complex personal barriers and require personalised, flexible, holistic support which extends beyond employability into many aspects of their lives.

This is a cohort of young people that Inspiring Scotland has come to know well during our 10+ years working in youth employability.

We must respond quickly and appropriately if we are to avoid the loss of a generation of young people and a decade of success in reducing youth unemployment to record low levels. The third sector is ideally placed to provide the holistic, flexible very person-centred support that the young people in greatest need require.

To have a conversation about this paper and our work in this area please contact:
Louise Stevenson
Duncan MacKechnie


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