The Place-based Programme Learning Exchange, a collaboration of national organisations that champion ‘place’ in their practices, has released a report highlighting what works and what doesn’t in place-based approaches.
This report aims to share these key learnings to enhance both the scale and quality of place-based working across Scotland, and draws on over 50 years of combined organisational experience and learning across dozens of urban and rural place settings.
Part of Thrive Outdoors downloadable series of resources developed to support outdoor play. “Help! How do tie knots and what rope do I use?” Tying knots can get us into a real tangle. They can look so…complicated. Never fear, our on the ground practitioners tell us that just five knots can cover most situations
Read MoreWelcome to What good looks like: Staff Expertise in Trauma Awareness and Training , the second of our best practice guides, prepared in partnership with Survivor charities. Other guides will be added as part of the ‘What good looks like’ work. If you are interested in taking part in this or would like any additional
Read MoreWe are sharing a number of case studies from our charity partners who are part of the Creative Communities programme. Lyth Arts Centre(LAC) Creative Communities funded project supports local artists-in-residence matched with Caithness communities to co-design programmes of work exploring local themes and issues. This particular project commenced in March 2021. LAC sponsored five artists for
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