The Creative Communities Programme is based on the belief that it is communities
themselves who are best placed to articulate their needs and how to meet them. The
Programme is therefore deliberately flexible, supporting a range of different initiatives
and outcomes. We commissioned an independent evaluation of the programme from Research Scotland. The evaluation involved:
• a desktop review of programme management information, interim reports and
final reports from projects
• 16 interviews with projects which received funding through the Creative
Communities Programme
• 4 interviews with projects which received development support and seed
funding through the Programme
• 2 interviews with national stakeholders involved in funding and delivering the
• 2 interviews with Inspiring Scotland staff managing and supporting the
Projects were independently selected for interview, to ensure a mix of project types,
locations, partners and engagement with the programme.
Once you have clear outcomes for your project, the next task is to identify and set indicators for your outcomes. Guide presented courtesy of Evaluation Support Scotland.
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