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November 2021 - Inspiring Scotland


Marking 16 days of activism

Today marks the beginning of  16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.  16 days is an annual international campaign which starts on the 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Inspiring Scotland are Programme manager of Delivering Equally Safe, the Scottish Government’s funding programme which supports third sector organisations and public bodies contribute to the objectives, priorities and outcomes of the Equally Safe Strategy. We recognise the importance of local and community led support when it comes to tackling this issue, with 16 days of activism providing a key opportunity for communities to come together and raise awareness in whatever way they can.

It has been agreed that the 2021 theme for the National VAW Network and partners will be ‘Light Up’. The theme of ‘light up’ aims to place a spotlight on the issue of Violence Against Women and Girls(VAWG) whilst encouraging people to get involved using awareness raising and community-led activities. So today we are highlighting some of the many events happening across Scotland over the next 16 days for anyone who wishes to support, raise awareness of or simply educate themselves more on the issue of gender based violence.

  • Perth and Kinross Violence Against Women Partnership shared the 2021 programme of events to mark #16days across Perth and Kinross. Everything from films, discussions and the showing of ‘Consent’ to students at Perth College feature in the event programme.
  • Glasgow Women’s Aid launch their campaign today in which 16 organisations across Glasgow have signed up to host their QR code posters – once scanned they lead to animations challenging misconceptions surrounding domestic abuse.
  • Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre is hosting : Reclaim The Night – Candlelight Vigil – Thursday 25th November -6pm – Hawick.

  • The candlelight vigil is being held to remember the women who have lost their lives to Gender Based Violence and honour all the women who have survived.
  • Every year, the Dundee Violence Against Women Partnership (DVAWP) works closely together to deliver a number of awareness raising events as part of this campaign. All of the events are open to all members of the public and communities within Dundee – no one is excluded – this is everyone’s issue!
  • Young Women Rise is a young women’s advisory leading on partnership work between Scottish Women’s Aid and YWCA Scotland – The Young Women’s Movement. They are hosting an event on young women, healthy relationships and domestic abuse. 
  • There will be a debate in Scottish Parliament happening on the 25th November on Violence Against Women and Girls, to coincide with the start of 16 Days of Action (running between 14.55 and 17.00) Watch it live. 

The above is simply a snapshot of the many events happening across Scotland, you can view a more in depth calendar of events from The Improvement Service.

The slogan #WhatWillYouDo for #16Days is a call to action for people to get involved and commit to action, whether this be people individually or collectively by leadership and from “civic Scotland”.

So with that in mind what can you do?


Thrive Outdoors Blog Series: Nurseries experience so far

This month for the third installment of our Botanics Blog we caught up with Edzell Nursery and Outdoor Nursery Edinburgh (ONE), the two nurseries involved in the project, to see how the experience has been so far.

Edzell Nursery is based within a church hall at Goldenacre very close to the Botanic Gardens. Being based in a church hall means they share the space with other users and are a ‘packaway’ nursery; although they do have access to outdoor space onsite.

In contrast, ONE is based on the southside of the city near Cameron Toll and daily use of local greenspace is a defining and integral part of their service.

Have you noticed a difference in how the children use the outdoor space, at the nursery, at home, at the Botanics? What have you noticed? Is the play richer?


The children that attend our nursery are used to outdoor spaces. We are out exploring every day and I think that this has helped them to be able to engage with meaningful learning at the unique space of the Botanics rather than be overwhelmed of being in an outdoor environment.


Amongst the children, there is a greater awareness of nature, the small details and seasonal changes. They will talk about what they did in ‘The Wee Garden’, which is our dedicated space at the Botanics, in discussions back at Edzell or in conversations with adults and children who didn’t go to the Botanics that day.

They also make the distinction between the Wee Garden and other parts of the Botanics and this shows that they have an understanding of how to interact and respect the different spaces. The children are also more at ease outdoors, for example, they are now more aware of how to keep themselves dry and warm and will always pull their waterproofs over their wellies and even let their parents know why this is necessary.

Do you see a difference in the children’s confidence coming to the Botanics?


Yes, although we usually spend lots of time outdoors, this is a different space with different experiences and expectations. The children have grown in confidence in what they can expect and what is expected of them. The difference between the spaces – the Wee Garden and the main publicly accessible Gardens – has also meant the children have developed an understanding and confidence in accessing different kinds of spaces.


Yes, absolutely. Children like routine and at the start, they didn’t know the route, nor what to expect at the Botanics. However now: they know the walk; their space at the Botanics; and they’re confident using this space and the resources. This confidence means they use the space differently each time whilst still returning to familiar activities. The children have built stamina and have become more resilient to the changes in weather.  Often the walk, which can take up to 30 minutes, is as much a part of the experience as actually being at the Botanics and it’s sometimes what they speak most about at home. Also, they’re less bothered about being dirty and have gone from being somewhat hesitant about using the toilet tent to it just being part of the outdoor experience. This experience of being in the Botanics, is helping to build their resilience, their confidence to deal with change, and to think independently.

What are you enjoying about working with the Botanics in this new project? What are the barriers and challenges?


Being surrounded by nature is a big plus as we all love the outdoors and are enjoying incorporating it into the children’s daily routine. Unlike the children at ONE nursery, our children are somewhat new to this. It has been great to watch how they’ve adapted to their ‘Wee Garden’, the outdoor learning and experiences and how much they enjoy just rediscovering the space each time. Although the mud has been a big hit with the children who love to immerse themselves in it and enjoy the sensory experience, it has been one of the biggest challenges. It was expected the Botanics site would be muddy but the extent of the wetness could not have been foreseen! However, like everything it’s never about the situation but how you handle it and everyone involved coming together to react positively to the challenges means solutions are found and things keep working.


It is just a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience the outdoors in a different type of setting and one where all the plants and trees are cared for and special. Our biggest challenge is the traveling to the Botanics. We take two buses from the nursery, which the children really enjoy, but sometimes the traffic can slow us down.


What interested you in working in partnership with the Botanics initially?


The Botanics is such a unique space and one of the real treasures in Edinburgh. We thought it would only enhance the children’s learning opportunities. As I say, to be in a space surrounded by trees and plants that are cared for and nurtured by people who really care about the natural world is a really important  for children. It is such a positive environment to be able to experience. 


At Edzell, we’ve always considered the Botanics as part of our community neighbourhood. Its proximity meant the children could easily walk to and from the nursery and as such, an annual visit has always been made to “Grandpa’s Garden” within the Botanics.  When the opportunity arose to have a more formal relationship through taking part in this project, we were excited by the prospect of the children being able to combine their day-to-day experience at Edzell with its large hall and garden with an immersive outdoor learning experience in a location close to us.

Best moment so far?


Ah, there are so many that the team can speak of! Visiting the veggie garden where the children were so fascinated by the growing vegetables and fruits. The delight on their faces as they saw a little frog and a whole crowd gathered to watch it hop around and climb the walls of the shelter. The excitement as the children hid in the long grass. The concentration when they are weaving with the willow and the pride when they succeed. Observing them as they watch the waterfall just outside ‘The Wee Garden’ and climb the fence trying to reach it with the sticks. Children venturing by themselves to the woodland part and exploring it, uninterrupted by adults.

My personal favourite was when I looked up and observed a magical scene with the children and teachers happily enjoying the space, each other, and their activity and one little boy lying relaxed in the grass. He was looking up at the clouds and moving a blade of grass back and forth across his face. What sheer joy!


The biggest muddy puddle EVER!!!

What do you see are the benefits of working with the botanical gardens compared with other green spaces?


We use local publicly accessible greenspaces everyday and one of the main differences is that The Botanics is very focused on caring for individual plants and their environments. AND everything is labelled so if a child asks about a certain type of tree or plant, we can quickly find information and answer the questions! It’s a greenspace that is exceptionally well cared for and this is very obvious from the moment you enter the space and we feel it is important for children to learn about caring for the environment and learning about planting.


‘The Wee Garden’ is their space and they have a freedom to create. dig, build etc within this environment. Once they go into the Big Garden (the wider Botanical gardens) for walks etc, there are different rules and boundaries that they have to respect. It is good for them to understand these differences and learn how to respect nature and care for the environment within two very different spaces which are juxtaposed. They have a chance to learn about plants and trees from different parts of the world and to learn about biodiversity. They get to watch and interact with the staff from the Botanics and will happily ask them questions about their jobs and learn from experts. The Botanics offers a diversity and a community feel that they aren’t able to get in other green spaces. Since Edzell is a local nursery, the children live in the area so many visit the Botanics with their families. They now can pass on the knowledge they have learnt to their families, and when they visit, they take pride in showing them their space.

Image credit: All photos from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 

Enjoy this blog? Then keep an eye for the next blog coming on Friday the 17th of December ,where both the up’s and downs of piloting a new outdoor ELC in a botanical garden will be shared as well as the key learnings along the way!

 Join in the conversation, add your pictures, or just chat with us at:

  • Facebook @ThriveOutdoorsScot,
  • Twitter @Thrive_Outdoors
  • Instagram @thrive_outdoors

COP26, Inspiring Scotland and Climate Justice 

COP26 has dominated discussion, media and Glasgow city centre, but how will these international negotiations impact people and places in Scotland? Catriona Patterson, who works on our Creative Communities and Rural Communities Ideas into Action funds, discusses what went on in Glasgow and how it connects to Inspiring Scotland’s vision for everyone in Scotland to have a happy, healthy life, free from poverty and disadvantage.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference brought together an estimated 30,000 politicians, decision makers, organisations, businesses and members of the public to discuss and agree climate action and binding international commitments to address our climate emergency.

COP26 seeks to build on a legacy of negotiations and agreements that have been ongoing since 1995. It is the first major opportunity for nation states to increase their commitments to address climate change since the celebrated 2015 ‘Paris Agreement’, which was the first legally binding international treaty that sought to limit global average temperature rise to ‘well below 2 degrees Celsius’. This summit has been delayed by a year (due to the Covid-19 pandemic), but climate science and the increasing instances of floods, heatwaves and storms have demonstrated the urgent need for increased ambition, commitment and cooperation to reduce this warming even further.

Although these commitments are made at an international and UK level, they have wide-reaching consequences for Scotland and our society. Scotland already has some of the most ambitious climate change targets in the world, aiming to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030, and reach ‘net zero’ emissions by 2045 (eliminating emissions from transport, energy and waste, and increasing the storage of carbon through forestry, peatlands and other nature-based solutions), and our legislation reflects and contributes to this global effort.

“The scale, scope and speed of the transformation that is required and to which Scotland is committed brings significant challenges, but anything less would be to fail our people and planet.”  Scottish Government 

Climate Justice 

COP26 is also notable for its focus on climate justice: the acknowledgement that climate change exacerbates existing social and economic inequalities.

“Climate justice recognises humanity’s responsibility for the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the poorest and most vulnerable people in society by critically addressing inequality and promoting transformative approaches to address the root causes of climate change.” Professor Tahseen Jafry, Centre for Climate Justice, Glasgow Caledonian University

At COP26, climate justice was discussed at an international scale – with indigenous groups, small island nation states and developing countries at the forefront of the rising sea levels, deforestation and unlivable temperatures which will forever change their way of life. However, climate justice is also an issue within Scotland: we know already that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in our society will be the most effected by climate impacts, and may be the least able to adapt to the consequences. For example:

  • Poorer households will be less able to afford increasing energy and insurance costs
  • The decline of oil and gas industries will disproportionately affect people in North-East Scotland
  • Today’s children and young people will have their human rights impacted by a changing physical environment which threatens their quality of life

The good news is that in addressing climate change we  also have an opportunity to create a fairer, more equitable society. The Scottish Government and organisations in the public, private and third sector (including many amazing charities) are already responding to these challenges through the Sustainable Development Goals, our National Performance Framework, a wellbeing economy approach and a commitment to a just and green recovery from Covid-19. For example:

  • Increasing energy efficiency could also help to reduce fuel poverty in Scotland’s poorest communities
  • Skills, training and education in green industries can provide secure and Fair Work employment for new generations in urban and rural areas
  • Increasing local food production can reduce food poverty and benefit public health

How Inspiring Scotland’s work connects with climate justice

I’m new to Inspiring Scotland, but I already see so many connections between the discussions and stories of success at COP26 and the incredible work undertaken by charities in portfolios across our funds. As a funder and facilitator, there are a number of ways we can support people to respond to the challenges of climate change:

  • Empower communities to design their own solutions. The is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to climate change, with different places experiencing different impacts. Our Rural Communities Ideas into Action fund, Island Communities fund and Link Up fund all invest in people and connections to design grassroots and local solutions for a local context.
  • Enable people to build stronger connections with nature and develop the resilience to respond to changes in our environment. Reconnecting with our physical environment is one of the ways we can personally cope with the wellbeing challenges of climate change. Our Thrive Outdoors programme connects play, learning and the great outdoors for a generation of children in Scotland.
  • Focus on women, disabled people and youth for the protection of human rights. Climate change disproportionally affects the most vulnerable in society, and the poorest – often resulting in higher risks and greater burdens. In creating an inclusive Scotland through the Equalities and Human Rights fund, eradicating violence against women and girls through Delivering Equally Safe, and enabling participation through the Support in the Right Direction programme, we seek to tackle the root causes of this inequity.

Aligning our efforts in a way that benefits people, communities and the planet provides huge opportunities for good. Although we recognise there will be challenges along the way, we are committed to striving for a Scotland where climate justice is achieved. 

Fixed-fee risk management support for charities

In conversation with charities, our Specialist Volunteer team has uncovered that risk management is a key area that charities request support with.

Often times an organisation’s risk register doesn’t solely focus on risk – also incorporating impacts (outcomes) and issues. It’s important to take a step back and really identify what risks your organisation potentially faces to become more proactive in protecting your organisation from future risk.

Inspiring Scotland has discovered a special service offered to help charities identify risk. Risk management business RSM offers fixed-fee support, designed to fully understand a charity’s activities, consider the main areas of risk and help provide you and the organisation with a cost-effective and proportionate approach to better manage your risks.

“Ask yourself, do you get that high level of assurance that the things that keep you awake are being managed effectively. Are you the reactive organisation that is blindsided first by the cause and then by the outcomes; Are you now firefighting your way through, sometimes successfully but other times unsuccessfully?”

Identifying quality opportunities for charities is part of our commitment to strengthening the sector. All third sector organisations in Scotland are welcome to reach out – your organisation does not currently need to be receiving funding from Inspiring Scotland

Find out more about this service.

Creative Communities Programme Case Studies


We are sharing a number of case studies from our charity partners projects who were or currently are part of the Creative Communities Programme. These case studies highlight the brilliant work of our charity partners and the impact these projects had on their local communities. Each project had to pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic. However it was amazing to see how each of the charity partners adapted by moving sessions online and what really shines through in all these case studies is the creativity of all involved!

Read our case study on Tullochan.

Read our case study on Create Inspire.

Read our case study on GoodTrees Neighbourhood Centre.

Read our case study on Lyth Arts Centre.